Visualiser Options

Here is a list of the configuration options:

Property Description Default
type Possible options are vertical, horizontal, spectrum, vu, vu-horizontal vertical
bars Number of bars for ther VU meter. 25
smoothingFactor Smoothing factor for the movement of the bars 0.15
usemediadevice Enable mediadevice capture for autoplay hacks. false
dbRangeMin The min DB range for the VU meter readings. -43
tickRange The DB range for the tick values for the VU meter. 6
meterContainer Selector for an external meter container ie .peak-meter

Player API Methods

Mathod Description Arguments
resumeAutoplayContext Resumes audio contexts and unmutes video elements.

Player Events

Mathod Description Arguments
enablecontext Audio contexts are suspended and notify for user gesture when autoplaying.
mediadevicenotify Notify the user when promoting to temporarily accept microphone devices. permissions Permission api object if set.
mediadevicecomplete Requesting the device is complete. Called when first prompting.
contextchange Notify audio context changes. state The audio context state.
captureddevice Notification a temporary device has been captured for the autoplay work around.