Loudness Options

Here is a list of the configuration options:

Property Description Default
target The target LUFS. Online standard is either -16 or -15 compared to TV standard which is -24 or -23. -16

Clip Configuration

The LUFS setting for each clip is required by configuring a lu config for the analysed LUFS setting or a pre configured gain measurement with gain.

For playlists lu or gain config can be configured for each item.

  "lu": -9,
  "sources": [


Generating The Loudness Analysis Data

FFMpeg or another project called R128 comes with EBU R128 analysis features for both audio and video files.

Included is a helper python script that calls FFMpeg to produce the data which outputs in Json format. loudness-cli

Example Usage

./loudness-cli.py  -i /path/to/video -s 0 -t -16

Where -i is the input file. -s is the audio stream index. -t is the LUFS target to help calculate the gain data.

Example Output

{'LRA': 23.7, 'LRA High': -21.7, 'I': -26.0, 'LRA Low': -45.3, 'LRA Threshold': -49.0, 'gain': 10.0, 'I Threshold': -38.9}

"I" is the integrated loudness and the data used to configure each video with.